Introducing the 2022-23 Student Cohort

This fall, we welcome a new Earth Grant cohort of 24 undergraduate students. Cohort members span 18 different majors across 8 departments, with professional ambitions ranging from wildlife conservation and natural resource management to librarianship, activism, environmental policy, urban planning, science communication, water quality, community outreach, and food sovereignty. More than half of our cohort are students of color, and two thirds identify as LGBTQ+.
Students start internships this week for the 2022-23 academic year. This year’s internship sites are on campus with Compost Cats, CCAST, and the Ramirez-Andreotta Integrated Health Science Lab; in government offices such as Pima County Natural Resources and Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management; with conservation nonprofits like Center for Biological Diversity and Tucson Audubon; and with community service organizations like the Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona and the International Rescue Committee. We welcome some new mentor organizations this year, such as Southwest Decision Resources, who provide mediation, facilitation, and strategic planning with diverse groups towards equitable natural resource collaborations, and the Sierra Club Borderlands program, who provide public education on the effects of U.S.-Mexico border militarization and advocate for strategies that benefit borderlands wildlife and communities.
We’re looking forward to a year of learning, growth, and meaningful change – stay tuned!