Seminar: Overview of the Research Applications Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research

Four panels showing different weather.


1 – 2 p.m., Nov. 25, 2024

Special Seminar hosted by Center for Applied Hydroclimate Sciences:

Overview of the Research Applications Laboratory 

at the National Center for Atmospheric Research

Speaker: Christopher L. Castro, RAL Director


Location: ENR2 S107


Research Applications Laboratory at NCAR: No matter the meteorological challenge, the goal is the same: to provide information and tools to end users and the broader public to improve safety and health, while saving time and money. From airline pilots, to truck drivers, to energy managers, to healthcare managers, to troops protecting the nation from chemical releases, experts in NCAR’s Research Applications Laboratory are committed to supporting all sectors in meeting meteorological challenges with creative, practical solutions. Here, scientists and engineers innovate solutions that directly serve society.

Speaker Bio

Before moving to NCAR in Summer 2024, Christopher Castro was a faculty at University of Arizona for 18 years, served as associate head at the Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences in 2019 and interim head in 2022. He was also the Director of the Center for Applied Hydroclimate Sciences. An expert in hydrometeorology, Castro has applied specialized modeling techniques to predict water resources and extreme weather in arid and semiarid environments. A particular focus of his research has been the North American monsoon, among many other research topics. His expertise spans short-term weather forecasts, sub-seasonal to seasonal forecasts, and climate projection. He holds a Ph.D. from Colorado State University in atmospheric science.