Liverman Scholars Visit Cascabel

Oct. 1, 2022
Liverman Scholars harvesting peas at the community garden, spring 2022.

Liverman Scholars harvesting peas at the community garden, spring 2022.

Ariane Mohr-Felsen / AIR

THIS YEAR’S NEWSLETTER features the voices of the University of Arizona Liverman Scholars. One of the program organizers, Kevin Bonine, had brought students to Cascabel in the past and knew what a rich place it is. This was the first year of this program, and the students spent a long weekend in Cascabel: speaking with residents, listening to the land, connecting this place to the places they are from and the concepts they are exploring. The Diana  Liverman  Scholars Program “aims to prepare UArizona undergraduate students as the leaders and problem solvers of tomorrow.” This is accomplished by building relationships with other students and local environmental actors across academic disciplines, to meet significant societal challenges. The Program is grounded in a connection to land, community, and one another, and offers students real-life experiences of place. As part of their studies, students travel to diverse sites throughout Arizona—such as Cascabel—whose past, present, and future “embody the grand challenges of our state and region, from climate change to systemic disparities.” Students then learn about environmental story-telling and give back by creating communication pieces for their hosting organizations.

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