Earthweek Plenary by Dr. Gregg Garfin

A flier for the event.


10 – 11 a.m., March 24, 2025

Earthweek, running from Monday, March 24 to Friday, March 28  this year, is an annual student-led, week-long event put on by the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences (SEES). The week will celebrate the research being done in the seven departments within SEES (School of Natural Resources, Arizona Institutes of Resilience, Environmental Science, Geosciences, Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, and School of Geography and Development) and host a variety of other events celebrating the Earth and our relationships with it. 

Morning Keynote: Dr. Gregg Garfin

A headshot of Gregg Garfin.

Dr. Gregg Garfin, Extension Specialist and Professor in the School of Natural Resources and the environment and Director of Science Translation and Outreach in the Arizona Institute for Resilience, works to bridge the science-society interface through dialogues between scientists and decision makers and through collaborative climate and environment research projects focused on adaptation to climate-related risks. He served as co-lead author for the southwest chapter for the third and fourth National Climate Assessments. His campus affiliations include Arid Lands Graduate Interdisciplinary Research Program; Laboratory of Tree Ring Research; School of Geography, Development, and Environment; and the Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy.

Register by March 15 to attend the Keynote