Gregg Garfin

Gregg Garfin has worked for more than two decades to bridge the science-society interface through dialogues between scientists and decision makers and collaborative climate and environment research projects. His research focuses on adaptation to a changing climate, climate variability, and drought. He served as co-lead author for the Southwest chapter in the Third and Fourth National Climate Assessment. He is co-editor of Climate in Context: Science and Society Partnering for Adaptation, a 2016 book on the development and practice of use-inspired science and the co-production of science and policy, through NOAA's Regional Integrated Sciences and Assessments program. His recent projects include an assessment of National Park Service cultural resource vulnerability to climate extremes, and an investigation of best practices for assessing the costs of floods in North America.
Gregg also holds many other campus affiliations, including Director, Water, Society & Policy M.S. program; Affiliated faculty, School of Geography and Development; Affiliated faculty, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research; Affiliated Faculty, Udall Center for Studies in Public Policy; University of Arizona representative to the National Council for Science and the Environment Leaders’ Alliance.
- PhD, University of Arizona
- MS, University of Massachusetts
- BS, University of Massachusetts