Jacob Blais

Jacob Joshua Blais headshot

My name is Jacob Blais and I am a Natural Resources major with an emphasis in Global Change Ecology and Management and am obtaining a certificate in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). My passion for the environment and ecology stems from my addiction to trail running in high school. Exploring the various landscapes that southern Arizona has to offer sparked my curiosity for how ecosystems function and change. Since starting college, my love for the environment and ecology has only grown stronger, and I have been lucky enough to dig deeper into how ecosystems respond to change through my academic endeavors. I am a research technician in Dr. William Smith’s Ecosystem Climate Dynamics Lab where I study Sonoran Desert soil respiration. Outside of school and work, you can catch me riding my bike all over Tucson, trying new cafés, and going to concerts. From this experiential learning program, I aspire to improve upon my collaboration skills, enhance my creativity, and be a part of quantifiable positive change in my local community.