Naomi Kolodisner

Naomi Kolodisner is a freshman studying biosystems engineering at the WA Franke Honors College. Naomi found her passion for environmentalism through creating a home garden, being vegetarian, and hiking. Working with her Marine Biology class, Naomi started the Plastic Diversion Project at her high school. This was a project conducted in conjunction with the Tucson City Council and ByFusion, a company with machines that are capable of turning unrecyclable plastics into useful building blocks for houses, fences, benches and other construction. Naomi is interested in learning about energy engineering, biofuels, and sustainable agricultural technology, and believes that producing energy and food in a sustainable way is one of the most important challenges we face today. As a Liverman Scholar, Naomi hopes to learn to communicate new ideas to a wider demographic in a clear and efficient manner. She believes motivating and educating others is a crucial part of making a community more sustainable.