ENVS Fall Colloquium: Upland Land Management Influences on Hydrogeologic Processes

A flier for the event with a headshot of the speaker.


3 – 4 p.m., Oct. 2, 2023

The University of Arizona Department of Environmental Sciences will welcome Dr. Abe Springer as an ENVS Fall Colloquium speaker! Springer is widely considered a leading expert in spring hydrology in Arizona, and he was the inaugural Director of NAU’s School of Earth and Sustainability.

On Monday, October 2, Abe will be presenting, “Upland Land Management Influences on Hydrogeologic Processes” in Marley 230 and via Zoom from 3-4pm AZ. All are welcome! This talk is co-sponsored by the Center for Climate Adaptation Science and Solutions and the Water Resources Research Center.


Zoom Link

Password: 057416


About Dr. Springer:

Abe Springer is Professor of Ecohydrogeology and was the Inaugural Director of the School of Earth and Sustainability at Northern Arizona.  He has been the Fulbright Visiting Chair of Water and Environment at the University of Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada studying the ecohydrology of springs of Western Canada. In 2022, he was the Birdsall-Dreiss Distinguished and LaMoreaux International Lecturer for the Hydrogeology Scientific Division of the Geological Society of America. Since arriving at NAU in 1994, he has taught courses in hydrogeology, geology of Arizona, environmental geology, applied geology, groundwater modeling, contaminant transport modeling, university colloquium and others.  Dr. Springer and his students study local and regional groundwater flow systems and human impacts on them, apply principles of sustainability to aquifer management through models, quantify the hydrological function of groundwater dominated ecosystems, the role of land-use change and disturbance on groundwater flow systems, study karst hydrogeology, and restoration of riparian ecosystems.