Strategic Plan in Action

Growing and Implementing a World-class Undergraduate Research Program

Two people work in a chemistry laboratory.


10:30 – 11:45 a.m., Oct. 26, 2023

Scaling equitable student engagement at our land-grant, R1, AAU institution


Growing undergraduate research opportunities and integrating them into the curriculum is crucial to the University's strategic commitment to drive student success in a rapidly changing world. This lively, insightful panel presentation will expand on the work and findings of the Undergraduate Research Task Force over the past year and how their recommendations will be implemented in the coming months. Learn more about the vision of the Undergraduate Research Task Force and read the URTF Report.


Moderator: Kevin Bonine, Chair, Undergraduate Research Task Force Steering Committee



*Undergraduate Research Task Force Steering Committee member


URTF Priorities

  1. Define undergraduate research and undergraduate research experience.
  2. Assess and evaluate undergraduate research engagement.
  3. Coordinate and centralize some key functions around undergraduate research in the spirit of collective impact.
  4. Integrate undergraduate research into the curriculum across campus.
  5. Fund and reward undergraduate research experiences for students, faculty, and staff.


Event Details:

Date: Thursday, October 26, 2023

Time: 10:30 a.m. -11:45 a.m.

Location: In-person at ENR2 S107 or Zoom


With questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations in this event such as ASL interpreting, closed-captioning, wheelchair access, or electronic text, etc., please contact Rebecca Richmond,