ENR2 Reservation Policies


Effective July 1, 2023, recurring reservations will only be accepted for weekday late afternoon and evening users, with reservations beginning at 3 PM, and the bump policy (noted below) will continue to apply.

ENR2 building occupants are exempt from this policy. This policy will be applied to provide more availability for one-time special events, and because we do not have the staff to be on-call for regular weekend support.

Special, one-time events have priority over recurring events. AIR reserves the right to bump with 72 hours’ notice a recurring (or, on occasion, other) event for a special, one-time event. If this occurs, we will attempt to find alternate space within ENR2 if at all possible. We will not bump regularly scheduled colloquia for building occupants, classes for SNRE, or meetings for Arizona FORGE:

  • SNRE Monday-Friday classes in S210
  • SGDE on Fridays from 3-5 PM in room S107
  • Math department colloquia
  • Startup Wildcats (formerly known as FORGE)

NOTE: For any recurring reservation requests that are accepted, these requests will ONLY be scheduled for the current semester. 

Reservations for AIR-managed spaces in ENR2 must occur within the following timeframes:

Academic year reservations, Monday-Friday6 AM - 9 PM
Academic year reservations, Saturday-Sunday7 AM - 8 PM
Summer reservations, Monday-Friday7 AM - 9 PM
Summer reservations, Saturday-Sunday7AM - 6 PM

Reservations will NOT be accepted during holiday weekends and university closures.

AIR will NOT accept reservations occurring further than nine months into the future.

Room N604: Weekend sixth floor use is not permitted. 

These COVID-19-related policies are subject to change and dependent on guidance from senior campus administration and the state and local governments. As guidance changes, we will make changes to accommodations.

Events and gatherings are encouraged to use the Student Union Memorial Center for space reservations, as their operations are most able to assist with event needs such as event coordination, catering, and custodial services.

To mitigate the spread of COVID-19, the use of face coverings is recommended, but not required in the ENR2 building and most indoor spaces at the University of Arizona campus.

Please review the current UA face covering guidelines and CDC guidance on the use of masks

Details on the size and capacity of our rooms can be found below. We are currently booking rooms at 100% capacity, unless guidance from senior campus administrations changes. We are happy to answer any questions regarding room configurations, socially distant capacities, technology for hybrid events, etc. to ensure the comfort and safety of our room users. Please reach out to our team at enr2roomres@arizona.edu if you have any questions.

Each AIR-managed room contains:

  • Disposal surgical masks
  • Sanitizing spray bottles and paper towels
  • Hand sanitizer, stations or bottles

If you need replacements of cleaning supplies or hand sanitizer, please fill out our Cleaning Supplies Request form.

AIR will NOT provide cleaning services (contact Facilities Management Custodial Services). Please review Facilities Management policies and Custodial Services informational video for further guidance on cleaning.

Disclaimer: AIR is not responsible for enforcement of any campus guidance or mandates; however, if AIR is aware of groups larger than prevailing guidelines allow occupying the rooms, or any other violation of campus policies, AIR will notify the proper campus safety group.

If your event includes food/beverages at all AND/OR has more than 50 people attending, you MUST fill out Facilities Management's Special Event Request form to notify custodial and, if necessary, specify other event needs. This will ensure your rooms are clean and the bathrooms are fully stocked and supplied.

  • Billing: Because custodial does not normally work on weekends, if you reserve a space on the weekend your event will incur overtime charges from FM. Please reach out to the FM Special Event team with questions about these charges.
  • Form Deadline: After filling out the FM Special Event Request form and receiving confirmation of submission, please forward the email confirmation to enr2roomres@arizona.eduIf AIR does not receive confirmation that you submitted a ticket to FM at least three business days prior to your event, we reserve the right to cancel your event.
    • Submission includes payment if you are not utilizing a department job number (S#) and have been created an M#. 
  • Reservation/event cancellations: If the user cancels their reservation with ENR2, it is also the user's responsibility to cancel their ticket with Facilities Management. 

NOTE: The deadline to submit an FM Special Events form is 10 business days. Forms submitted past the 10 business day deadline will incur charges of up to $400 from Facilities Management.

AIR does not organize catering for non-AIR events.

Food and beverage are allowed in ENR2 meeting spaces, provided the FM Special Events form is submitted and all university catering policies are followed:

  • For university departments or student clubs/groups, Arizona Catering Company must provide all catering services valued at more than $750 (please see more about the policy here).
  • If the catering costs are less than $750, the organizer has a choice of Arizona Catering Company or any outside caterer.

Alcohol is allowed in ENR2, provided all university policies are followed. An Alcohol Permit Application must be submitted for all events where alcoholic beverages will be served on University of Arizona property. If approved, alcohol must be served by an approved licensed bartending service. Application form must be submitted to the Student Union at least fourteen days prior to event date.

Alcohol in ENR2: Alcohol MUST be disposed of by event organizers or event bartenders.


Beginning July 10, 2023, technology in rooms S107, S210, S215, S225, N595, and N604 will be managed by Classroom Technology Services.

  • For tech demonstrations, please contact the ENR2 Room Reservation Coordinator, who will schedule your demo with CTS.
  • For tech emergencies, please contact 520-621-4CTS (4287)

CTS hours are as follows:

SeasonDays of WeekHours
SummerMonday-Friday7 AM-5 PM
Academic YearMonday-Thursday7 AM-8 PM
 Friday7 AM-7 PM
 Saturday7 AM-4 PM

Limited technology is available in each room and specific technology varies. Please contact CTS for questions.

We do not provide additional tech such as laser pointers, clickers, or cable adapters.

Neither AIR nor CTS provides on-site/day-of tech set up or AV support during your event. 

Movement of reservable space furniture is permittable ONLY in spaces with rolling chairs, rolling tables, and rolling whiteboards, and ONLY for those items. Tables must be moved back to their original/standard formation. 

Movement of furniture is not permittable in the Cafe Commons, Courtyard benches, and Rooftop seating. DO NOT MOVE ANY FURNITURE OR TABLES without help from FM. Doing so may result in gouges in the flooring, for which event organizers will be held financially responsible. Furtniture movement can be requested through the FM Special Events Form

ENR2's standard perimeter hours are Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM. The building's perimeter is open during this time, and normally closed outside of this timeframe. For any reservations occurring afterhours, the north glass doors of the building on Lowell St. will be open. The building's east gates will NOT be opened afterhours except upon request AND for events with 80+ attendees.

Accessing Reserved Spaces: The ENR2 building uses an electronic lock system. Doors for reserved rooms will open and close at the start and end times of a reservation request. 

Cancellations for room reservations can be made at any time without a fee. Please alert AIR of room cancellations ASAP as ENR2 spaces should NOT remain unoccupied and unlocked.

Please note, it is solely the user's responsibility to cancel their FM Special Events form tickets with the FM Special Events team

Café Commons: Room S120, the Café Commons, is only available outside café hours (after 5 PM Monday through Thursday, after 4 PM on Friday, and on weekends). DO NOT MOVE ANY FURNITURE OR TABLES without help from FM. Doing so may result in gouges in the flooring, for which event organizers will be held financially responsible.

Courtyard: Music can only be played in the courtyard outside of normal business hours: after 5 PM on weekdays, on weekends, and if the music will not interfere with other events. Courtyard food and beverage is limited to one-sided buffet lines only.

Sixth Floor (N604 and rooftop): Reservation requests for the ENR2 rooftop and room N604 were previously given priority to high-profile events and notable university staff. All requests will now be reviewed and accepted only on a first come, first serve basis. Allowable times to reserve either space will still be limited to weekdays from 7 AM to 5:30 PM. One UAPD staff aide is required for after hour rooftop events. Directions to request can be found on the UAPD Special Event Staffing page.

ALL Spaces: UAPD staff is required for any event where alcohol is being served in any of our spaces. Directions to request can be found on the UAPD Special Event Staffing page.